Monday, October 13, 2008

Students Work Abroad With Help From Law School Grants

When former Dean John C. Jeffries Jr. spoke to the Law School’s first-year students last year, Elizabeth Norton took his words to heart.

“When someone asked the dean what we should do over the summer, he said, ‘I think you should all just go work on a boat or do something really different,’” she recalled. “I think he said that because it’s sort of our last summer to do that kind of a thing.”

PILA Board member Susan Edwards on her experience as a legislative aide

Q: What position(s) have you held in the legislative branch?
A: Legislative Aide, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Legislative Correspondent, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Q: What were your primary responsibilities?
A: Research policy ideas; draft legislation in conjunction with the Senate's Legislative Counsel; write letters in response to constituents; write persuasive letters to executive branch agencies; attend and staff the Senator at Finance Committee hearings; assist the writing and editing of press releases and press event talking points; answer constituent phone inquiries; meet with advocacy, lobbying, and constituent groups concerning health, education, welfare and Rules Committee issues; intern coordinator.

Dean Mahoney speaks about the importance of pro bono

listen (requires Windows Media Player or Flip4Mac)

PILA Funds Record $350,000 in Summer Public Service Fellowships

The Public Interest Law Association distributed a record $350,000 in grants to 72 law students working in public service jobs for summer 2008, according to PILA organizers.

“We’re really proud of both the unending support of student body, faculty and staff, as well as our fund-raising efforts,” said PILA President Katie Schleeter. “It’s so exciting that people want to dedicate their summers to public service.”